Pocket Quest 2024 is here

 Hello active readers, watchers, and viewers!

Pocket Quest is a thematic annual game-designing jam, held by DriveThruRPG. This time the theme is "Heists!". Games submitted to the jam should be Rules Lite and the maximum page count is 25 pages. There are also some other rules, eg. no AI-created material allowed in the game.

The Pocket Quest has available some Pocket Quest resource material and an art material package. Both are free. You can also get more ideas and information from the jam-running team. They have also their own discord page. So, it is pretty easy to get on the bandwagon.

I try my best to make my own game for the Pocket Quest 2024. I am not so much into the theme of the year, but I love the jam concept, the resources, the look the style, and the joyously humorous art of the Pocket Quest. I am also digging the fact, that the jam is really professionally run. As an indie game creator, I am not spitting on chances to get cooperation, sincere help, and well-made material to use in my game(s).

I have already moved forward with the material that I shall share with you now in my blog. But I want to share some of my progress in my game-designing process. And I think the best way to show it, is to use actual material that I've made during the brainstorming and making the needed first scethes of the essential elements of the game.

So, here we go. This is the actual material that I scribble and dabble to make my game-making process go to the starting line.

Krisse’s creative ideas for the heist-themed Pocket Quest 2024:

    The elements of the surroundings:

  • The small distant island

  • The Town

  • The park kiosk

  • The Village Store divided into two sections: The Shop and The Bank

  • The Town Hall

  • The Town Park

  • The Church

  • The Swimming Beach

  • Houses for the Islanders

The town folks:

  • The Shop Owner and a clerk are also the Bank clerk and the banker

  • The park kiosk owner and the clerk

  • The Town mayor, secretary of town mayor, the town council

  • The priest and the organ player

  • The town guards, acting also as swim guards

  • House cleaners acting also as Street swipers

  • Random locals"

We all have to start from somewhere. It usually starts from the scratch. That text pretty much is that. The basic lines to draw the full picture (in this case, the full picture is the full product, but you get the picture right? [pun much intended]). I've already moved a little bit in a different direction from this. But writing all this down in this way, helped me see the full picture more clearly. 

I'll probably write more text like this, during the jam, and I shall reveal to you, what decisions I made next. While waiting holding your breath excited, You may want to keep yourself entertained. For that matter, I got little something that has also opportunities for heists, and there is a distant island involved. Take this and that and say hello to the Al Amarjian Tourist Department from me. 

Be Seeing You!


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