The World's First-Ever Take the Edge is out NOW!

It's OUT, Proud, Loud, and Steaming Hot new TTRPG publication: the Take the Edge, issue Zero! HELLOOOOHA Fellow Amarjans! 💪😇 I have a Great Pleasure to Inform You all that the first published Take the Edge magazine is out, proud, loud, and Steaming Hot Straight Outta Oven! 👅💦 It's a fanzine that I made and published, using my personal publishing license from the Atlas Games. You can get it through the distributor. It is a Pay What You Want magazine and that means You can get it FREE, or pay as little or as much as you want to. The first published issue is a pre-issue introducing the magazine, giving information on the Over the Edge the 3rd Edition RPG, and giving you the guidelines on how to submit your material to be published in the forthcoming Take the Edge issues. The second issue to be published, is well on its way. The issue will be as the Issue 1.5, and it shall be the first full issue of the Take the Edge fanzine. The issue number one and...