Take the Edge fanzine rocks hard!

Huzzaaaaaah! This is the 2nd published (and the First-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it? Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer, writer, artist & publisher. The issue contains 80 pages, new places, new faces, and whole lotta info! This is Pay What You Want publication so You can get it free , or literally, pay what you want for it. Contains some adult themes, oddball humor, hglbtiQ+ themes, and tries to be as inclusive as it's possible for a magazine, which is dedicated to a game of counter-culture conspiracies and very surreal danger. On Al Amarja in Over the Edge, 3rd edition, it doesn't matter what you and your characters do or is, but what they make out of it all ;-) ...