"Heist Ahoy!", here we go

Heist Ahoy, here we go to the Pocket Quest ! This is already my third blog (here's the second ) text about the process and the progress of making mini TTRPG during the Pocket Quest 2024 jam. Pocket Quest is a thematic game development jam. This year's theme is "Heists!". And yes, I call my quirky little game Heist Ahoy! On the official information material of Pocket Quest 2024, there are some suggestions for different kinds of heists to be used in the game you're making. I copy pasted at least some of it to my own sketch text file. Here's the list I used to make my brain go buzz buzz: " Pocket Quest jam in DriveThru Reverse heist: Try to get out of a maze or challenging location Classic heist: Plan the perfect heist to get a prized possession Literal heist: Steal someone’s heart or memories Failed heist: All things go to plan until it doesn’t Detective Work: You’re trying to track down capers, and the...