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Cool wasteland and cyberpunk miniatures, games and stuff
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Yours Tuly, a devoted modern cyberpunker and nomad orangutang queen with a electric ride
AAAAAWWSUM cyberpunk &/ wasteland themed miniatures to bring the rite atmosh to your gaming table
We are truly living the times of cyberpunk...
You would never ever guess that on the national Cyberpunk 2020 day (20.02.2020 #cyberpunkday2020fin ), I would write about cyberpunk?! But did ya guess, that I shall not write about the famous Cyberpunk rpg that I have wrote about, cuite a lot earlier? Maybe, maybe not. Don't really care, but I shall most kindly inform that this time the theme for the article You are currently reading, is miniatures and games of cyberpunk & wasteland themes. ☝
Airfix Afrika Korps' leader is into kinky stuff... work in progress model that I have re-sculpted with hobbyknife and put some rubber on it... because he is now a kinky nomad on cyberpunk wastelands 😎
Because I love to modify, alter, restructure, repurpose, amend, etc. and scratch-build, I have cuite a lot weird, wild, odd and fun ideas and projects. And one of those, is the project where I have took a box full of perfectly cool WWII- area Afrika Korps soldiers, and reshape them into lesser militant, lesser german WWII -stylish models and into somekind of nomad wastelanders in near future. So the main goal is to make them look post-apocalyptic anti-heros, wasteland mutants and cyberpunks. Because I shall most certainly make a How I did this project -text later, I use very early stage work-in-progress fotos on this context.
Airfix Afrika Korps minis are modified by Yours Truly... and the brown base is actually a toy -base that I found on my daywalk on fall 2019... I re-painted it and showed some hobbyknife and superglue etc...
While I was already making the plastic toysoldiers into a biiit different form, I made a cool and very useful findign: a island -kind of toy platform. I showed a hobby knife, plastic glue and some paints for it, and now it is cool wasteland/muddy banks of near future -kind of base to use as terrain for miniatures to dwell on.
Very awesome wasteland cyberpunker DEZ who like to Riot Quest. Find more about the Riot Quest, down below....
Riot Quest is a new game from the Privateer Press, which is famous for their various games, for example:Iron Kingdoms rpg, Warmachine and Hordes tabletop miniature battle games. And their models are now days plastic, not metal. Which is nice for people who like the look of cyberpunk and metal, but do not like metal figures or are metal allergic....
The Riot Quest is a fast-paced table-top board game with streamlined simple rules and its setting is very cool Post-apocalyptic Iron Kingdoms (the world of Warmachine) as a wasteland and rippling ruins. There are good videos about the game, linked in the text, above and below.
Warmachine is a very gritty, epic and cool game with is different editions and versions. And it is fully compatible with Hordes. Warmachine is fast-paced steam-powered tabletop war miniature game, set in the fantasyworld of the Iron Kingdoms. With manier words: The Warmachine is cunning mix of strategy, tactics,
and squirmish clashes between armies of steampowered warjacks, furious and witty soldiers, and ominous battle
You can get these Warmachine Cryx: Black Ogrun Iron Mongers eg. from here. or from here. Aren't they very much cyber and wasteland style? 💕
The Warmachine game is set in the Iron Kingdoms, where swordsmen fight alongside riflemen and where fully functional magic is present alongside with the cannonballs and battle axes. You can get the Warmachine rule for free ad a pdf.
Very nomad, very wicca, very cyber, very punk, andtotally wastelands style.
And as You can see, the Warmachine miniatures are totally awesome and very usable minis as general in cyberpunk, wasteland or modern nomad styled and themed tabletop-rpgs and kitchen table war games.
This mini suites excellent as a wasteland mutant... Wasteland mutie wastes ya! 💙
And it is very nice from Privateer Press to release their gaming manuals as digital materials to free downloading, because those books are very well-done gaming books and inspirational material in many ways. Hats off for Privateer Press!
Isn't that just beautifully and magical? And bad-ass to the bone! And very cyberpunk and 100% wastelander! 💘
UNTOLD Encounters are free encounters to use with UnTold rpg (the free primer file here) or its sub-game UnTold: Battle. And with a little work You can use them in other wasteland cyberpunk games.
A Road By Any Other Name is one of the UnTold Encounters that You can download for free. And as You can see it's wastelander cyberpunk
A Road By Any Other Name is one of the UnTold Encounters. And I think that wasteland cyberpunk mutants will like the encounter. At least I did. An I'm helluva nomad mutie living in the modern wastelands 👾
City of Mistis a very modern role-playing game in the world of film-noir action, super-powers, investigation and interesting plots and twist turns. It is set in a modern metropolis full of dark conspiracies, intriguing mysteries, and violent crime.The game system of City of Mist focuses on drama, on the plot twists and is heavily into investigation. And at least to me, it seems more than a bit cyberpunkish... So check it out if You like your roleplaying games, rulewise, as modern and streamlined, instead of crunchines of throwing zillion of dices and whole lotta calculating.
Do ya dig fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons? Do ya want to play, using the game's mecanichs, in the cyberpunk genre? And do ya wanna have it for free? And do ya wanna have cuite a short document? Well, if ya answered yes to all the question, Cyberpunk 5 e v. 1.0 could be your cup of tea.. You can load it here for freeeeee...
Wasteland gangs and other thugs are cuite the norm in Judge Dredd which is obviously cyberpunk setting with gang violence and weird mutants... and it also has the radio-active wastelands, too... The pic is part of the p. 26 in the Quickstart rules.
Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD is cool cyberpunk roleplaying game with loads of setting material from the comics, card games and the movies. Basically, You just can't run out of plots in this world, because there is so much source material to use. 2000 AD: Prog 1600 comic is free to download. Cuite inpirational stuff. And You canget your free download previewof the game. And there's a excellent quickstart ruleset to download free, too.
We have come to the part where I shall say that this is, almost, the End of this text. Before I say Ta Ta, I share some inspirational pictures for You. The pics are taken by me, myself and I. And the pics suite well with the cyberpunk & / wastelander -theme.
And there's cuuuuuite a lot JD albums, translated to many languages...
The cyberpunk -poster of White Dwarf December 2019 with the Necromunda Gang Raids supplement, and the bonus cards for the Necromunda and the WarCry lying together on my mattresses... Picture is taken by Yours Truly, Krisse Tuominen.
The electricity in electric scooters is mystical, magical and very cyberpunk, in deed
We are living in the cyberpunk, already
A snapshot by Yours Truly from the screen, showing the virtual cube reality in The Cube 2
The Cube movie is a cult classic for a reason, and I am cuite shocked that most of the Cube-fans don't know that there exist a sequal for the movie. And because the budget is obviously bigger, the visual aspects look waaaaay better than in the original movie. And honestly, I think that it really is a decent movie. Very cyber, very punk, very gritty and it is really watchable movie. I suggest You to check it out.
Let your black funeral pyres to burn bright! <3
HeroClix is about 15 years old miniaturebattle game with collectable miniatures with stat cards. Many HeroClix miniatures, maps and terrains are very suitable for cyberpunk and wasteland themes. On these pictures, I show You the Official WWE licenced two-player starter set with dices, wrestling rings, 4 miniatures, stat cards and such. And wow, how cyberpunk stylish they are! And I like that the ring has it's own stats. And the double-sided battle map is totally cooooool.
But this is now the End part in the blog text. Time to say Ta Ta to folks, fans, haters and other boogie (wo)men! Have Fun! Wishes, Krisse Tuominen.
Viikonloppuna oli edessä aappenan tämän vuoden viimeinen kisa. Ruhjeitta siitä selvittiin ja hengissä ollaan. Jotain hieman sain aikaiseksikin. Aappena kera pokaalin ja parin sponssipaidan.... Sunnuntaina lähdin räpiköimään akkain -90 kg sarjaan varustemaveen Bullfarmille Tatu Avola Memorial -tapahtumaan. Aloituspainona miulla oli vaatimattomasti tehdä Suomenennätys ja jatkaa siitä mahdollisesti ihan sen mukaan, miten kivut, pahoinvointi ja kuumeoireilu sallivat. Punttimimmi, Aappena, ja vaffoja urogzia... Ja niinhän siinä sitten kävi, että Aappena did it! "-90kg 150 FPO-stantard Maastanosto, naiset equip" sijaan tulee FPO-liiton ennätystilastoissa lukemaan päivityksen jälkeen 170 kg Krisse Tuominen Bullfarm 11.12.2016 eli SE tuli kipeenä, väsyneenä, ja kamalis kivuiskin.. ja ykköspystin nakkasivat miulle kouraan Tatu Avola Memorial 2016 -kisan single maven ykköselle, hyvä mie! Osallistujadiplomikin oli oikein komea ja Fastin pienessä salipussukassa sain...
It's OUT, Proud, Loud, and Steaming Hot new TTRPG publication: the Take the Edge, issue Zero! HELLOOOOHA Fellow Amarjans! 💪😇 I have a Great Pleasure to Inform You all that the first published Take the Edge magazine is out, proud, loud, and Steaming Hot Straight Outta Oven! 👅💦 It's a fanzine that I made and published, using my personal publishing license from the Atlas Games. You can get it through the distributor. It is a Pay What You Want magazine and that means You can get it FREE, or pay as little or as much as you want to. The first published issue is a pre-issue introducing the magazine, giving information on the Over the Edge the 3rd Edition RPG, and giving you the guidelines on how to submit your material to be published in the forthcoming Take the Edge issues. The second issue to be published, is well on its way. The issue will be as the Issue 1.5, and it shall be the first full issue of the Take the Edge fanzine. The issue number one and...
Cyberpunk is a cool genre of books, movies, tv-series, comics, cartoons, clothing style(s) and various types of games. As a roleplaying game moderator, who likes to make own adventures for roleplaying sessions, I find it useful to watch inspirational genre movies.... And because sharing is caring, I'll tell You about feeeeeew movies and videos that are worth to watch... Hardware (1990) is now days considered as a some sort of cyberpunk cult b-movie classic, and it's no wonder why that is the case. It has leather, darkness, violent fights, sorrow, pain, madness, robotics, cybernetics, far-out Net -audiovisuals, certain sexyness, coolness and whole lotta F-U -Attitude. And just look at that movie poster, I mean, just look at it! Not the world's best indie-flick, but worth to watch. Max Headroom: 20 minutes into the future (1985) is a television produced Cyberpunk movie. Even with its oddicities and glumsyness, the movie achieves to tell a interesting stor...
Kappelilla poikkeamassa söpskänä Voe perskuta ralloo ja rämpeti rämp, meinoon että ny taas puski takaspäin kuumetta. No, ei maha muuta kuin olla ja ellee tän kanssa.ihan hissuksiin vissuksiin ja pysytellä kotosalla niin paljon kuin mahdollista. Söpönä Gorilla Wearin vaatteissa ja Salon Scissor Sisterin leikkaamissa kutreissa Joskus suhteellisen nopea paraneminen voikin näemma olla kaikkea muuta kuin lottovoitto. Nyt on liikenteessä yli 5 viikon kuumetta ja monella ollut 2-3 viikkoo kuumetta ja perään 1-2 vkoa vattakuumetta. Mie kärsin flunssan kahes vkossa jossa oli yli puoltoist vkoa kuumetta josta loppuosa oli vattakuumetta... otin iisisti, oikein varovaisesti, eka kevyt vain 37 min pitkä kevyt treeni yli 3 pvää kuumeen laskun jälkeen, välipäivä seuraavaan kevyeen treeniin... ja sitten tämän viikon tiistain a kävin yliopistolla hoitamassa asioita ja kamala kurkkukipu ilman kuumetta iski ja lepäämällähän sekin meni parempaan päin, eilen hain ruokaa koska ruokaa on haettava ...
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