CYBERPUNK 20.02.2020 is closing in..

CYBERPUNK SECOND EDITION, VERSION 2.01 (CP3002.2 - 2013/2014 Release) in my hand

The Backside of the CYBERPUNK SECOND EDITION, VERSION 2.01 -gaming book in my hands

Hello peeps, creeps and deep ones who dwell in the deeps of the Intah Nietsies! I hail thee! And I thank You all from the bottom of my heart, that You are checking out my blog posts! 👽👾👿👽

Nomad Orangutang Queen on the right side of the pictah, and Cyberpunk Nomads depicted in the Cyperpunk 2020, 2nd ed., vers. 2.01 gaming book

We are currently living the Year of Cyberpunk (2020) and soonish shall come 20th day of 02.2020 Anno Dominee, and 20:20 (twenty past eight on the evening side) shall be even cyberpunkier time. Yesh! We are living in Science-Fiction, and especially in Cyberpunk! Yeah Babe Yeah! Can Yaaaaaaa Dig iiiiiiit?!

AHHH! The Holy Serenity of My Forthcoming 40 years Achievement  I soooooo Feeel it already 

Recently I bought the CyberPunk The Second Edition, Version 2.01. To be exact, this is not the 1993 printing of the 2nd ed., vers. 2.01. This is either 2013 - Version 3002.2   or CP3002.2 - 2014 Release. This book contains corrections and clarifications to Cyberpunk, Version 2.0., including bound-in version of SCREAMSHEETS adventures and new artwork. This awesome book is still, just, a bit more than 250 pages. The layout is awesome, the art work is top notch oozing the right CyberPunk athmosphere, so it is really awesome to read, view and to use. To say it in fewer words: This is great looking gaming book!

Because I haven't ever owned my own copy of the Cyberpunk 2020 (main) rulebook in any language, this roleplaying gamebook is totally a treasure to me. And this is very compatible with the previous versions of Cyberpunk 2020, including all the finnish stuff that I already have. Even with the Paranoia vs Cyberpunk -crossover adventure that I got as a finnish print version.

And because I do own cuite a few Cyberpunk (2020) stuff in PDF files, and in other digital formats, whole lotta CP (compatible) adventures in many printed rpg magazines (+ some in digital formats, too) and the Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit, and many compatible miniatures and terrains, I shall use these gaming books, supplements and adversaries for years and years to come...

Ergo Proxy

And we shall have a little Cyberpunk 2020 meet in Tampere 20th February 2020. I have 
taken a jumpstart for the theme, watching Ergo Proxy, reading the Cyberpunk 2020 -gaming books, anf I also have the Terminator DVD from the library, which, of course, is very cyberpunk, in deed.

I love it how I shall turn 40 years on fall of the 2020. So I can say 20+20 is 40, on 2020. Well, I wish You all the happiness in the World! -Krisse Tuominen-


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