Real life meets gaming needs on RPG table

Thinking about using real-world places as prompts for game designing The Real-Wurld Dungion... An underground tunnel The Question of the Day - Which old ghost towns, and abandoned cities, would make great dungeons if properly tweaked? Asking for a Friend -Nameless Game-Master and a GR8 Dungeon-Luuurd. Let's map the map The Answer to the Question Pretty much any old mining town and its mines, storage buildings, and tunnels are more than fitting as a modern dungeon for RPG use. Especially if those places are scarcely populated. Or even abandoned. Also, almost any of the towns and cities that have a lot of old bunkers, trenches, tunnels, and underground safety builds, are perfect for modern setting dungeons. You can find lots of these kinds of locations, eg. in Russia, Hungary, Estonia, Ukraine (Pripyat and Chornobyl), Lithuania, Poland, and even some places in Finland... Living in an abandoned bungalow area can be a reality in our real-life world and in a roleplaying world... And bec...