
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on heinäkuu, 2021.

Ooooh Happines, Oooh Joy!

  Happy Happy Joy Joy! This is me wearing my killer looks ;-) (pun intended) Today we celebrate modestly my Love Partner's Birthday. We have a quiet corner in the burrow of Bar & Cafe LateGame. It's a game-themed old-school-gaming place. In LateGame You can enjoy tabletop-roleplaying games, card games, board games, and whole lotta other games. You can play console games with eg. Nes, Snes, Ps 1 & 2, Sega Mega-Drive, and other vintage and retro consoles. You can even play flippers in Bar & Cafe Late-Game. And if you're into old-school or new-school computer gaming, you can play there with those, too. Bar & Cafe LateGame is also a very abghiltQ+ friendly place, and the food and the drinks are ranging from very cheap to very moderate priced. So there are many reasons why we have chosen the LateGame as our regular gathering & hangout place. When we play, it's usually on LateGame. It just feels like home for us. This sounds like an encounter, campaign ide...

Homosatus Illuminatus Maximus -Maximal Homosation (Maksimaalista homosaatiota)

Homosatus Illuminatus Maximus -Maximal Homosation is a very satiric parody game of the really weird prejudices about homosexual people.  We all know that gay people are not running a huge secret conspiracy that plans to make all the people turn into flaming homosexuals. Despite the obvious facts, some people still act like it's an honest threat to heterosexual society.  This recent TSR dumpster fire fiasco extravaganza showed the gaming community that there really are people who are aggressively against the human rights of glbtiQah+ people. Even to the tragicomic point where that dimwitted ranting is so hilariously stupid that it's almost funny. Sadly those views are not just outside our gaming community. They are also inside the community. As a game designer and spreader of tabletop RPG enthusiasm, I wanted to sort of stand to the platform and try to make at least one parodic roleplaying game in the gaming world, where gay people have Divine Gay Powers turning the World int...

More about the Troglodytes Save the Revolution Gaymess Gayme

Earlier this week, I posted a little bit of sarcastic, ironic, laconically parodic text about the forthcoming series of TSR Gaymess Gaymes (Gay+Game = Gayme) and meant it simply as a har har funny -kind of blog post. Somehow, some peeps got excited and it got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, I could really craft at least a single minigame out of these silly-nelly-billy game idea jokes. And because I got an iron hand as a business sense, Troglodytes Save the Revolution seems to be the game that may be coming alive.... someday, somehow. So, this is one of the TSR Gg ideas taken a bit further. T roglodytes S ave the R evolution GAYMESS (shortened to TSR Gaymess) Pardon my French, but some old hideous fartsies tend to really think that they can save the game world by making a so-called "revolution" that is just them basically cussing everyone and going deeper to their dark smelly caves. That is not a bright new idea, that is not a constructive idea nor it's a good idea. B...

D&D stands for...

We all know famous letter combinations and ways to shorten things. It is also a very fun spare time (wh)ac(k)tivity to produce fun, weird, funny weird, and weirdly funny meanings to famous abbreviations.  This time  D & D stands for: Daddies and Dolls, Drama & DADA, Driving and Drinking, Dealing & Doping, Dorks & Donuts, Drinks & Drops, Dimm & Dark, Dikes & Dynamites, Declarations & Decorations, Diplomas & Deities, Darkness & Dorkness, Deep Depression, Donations & Dimes, Demons & Decks, Drugs & Drop-outs, Doom & Destruction, Dips & Dunks, Dharma & Dedication, Diablerie & Decamerone, Doobie & Desperate, Drooling & Drumming, Damp & Dry, Drop & Dripple, Desk & Doodle, Drag & Divine, Dubbing & Dabble , Dreaming & Dying, Dobbelgangers & Doubles, Dice & Desc r iptors, Deep-skins  & Deerskins, Deepstack & Deepslate, Dehabitation & Dehydration, Devils & ...

Hellettä pitää, pelataan silti

 Huhhuh, kuumuus korventaa! Torstaille on annettu vaarallisen helteen varoitus, joten ulko- ja sisätreenitkin siirtyvät ensiviikolle, koska kenellekään ei ole hyötyä helteessä tuupertumiseen saatika kuolemiseen. Perjantaina kaitten pitäisi olla hieman viileämpää, ja hyvä niin. Silloin juhlistetaan pienimuotoisesti LateGamessa rakkaani syntymäpäiviä, kamuni läksiäisiä ja pelataan pitkästä aikaa. LateGamessa sen verran hyvin tilaa pitää etäisyyksiä ja tuuletus toimiva, joten porukkamme voi siellä kokoontua helteestä huolimatta rauhallisen pelaamisen merkeissä. Olen innoissani siitä, että saimme noin viikon varoitusajalla 5-6 hengen poppoon vakipeliporukkamme vahvuuksista paikalle "hälytettyä" ja koottua. On tässä ollutkin melkoinen pöytäroolipelaamisen kutina päällä. Nyt sitten pääsee hellittämään kutinaa pelauttamalla ja pelaamalla LateGamen erinomaisissa tiloissa. Nauttien paikan kohtuuhintaisia särpimiä ja juomia. Luvassa näillä näkymin ainakin miun ja hieman toverini Talvii...

The Newest and the most Revolutionary TSR Gaymess Gaymes is here!

 You may have heard about other TSRs lately, but this is the most ultimate and truest form of all TSR ever existed! All hail the old, dead, and gone TSRs, here's the new TSR, all hail the new TSR! ☝👸👑📢📣🏆⚡🔥🌈 May I proudly present the Future of the mini-games! This is bad-ass, Old-school, and sooooo cool! The series of mini-games called TSR Gaymes (s) . Forthcoming titles may or not be, called as... TSR Gaymess Gaymes: T assels S odomy R opes GAY-MESS (shortened to TSR Gaymes([S]) Tassels, Sodomy and Ropes GAY-Mess is a mini-game about the party of happy, gay, consensual ghlbtiqa+, queer, and kinky people having fun in a queer dungeon party. T unnels S nakes R accoons GAYMESS (shortened to TSR Gaymess) Game about friendly and adventurous raccoons and snakes adventuring in tunnels. T rolls S educe R aunchy G argoyles Gaymess Gayme This sexy game really keeps the gaming on fantasy: on sex fantasy! T ops S educe R ams GAYMESS (shortened to TSR Gaymess) Not every gay-top-...

Ensiviikolla aktivoidutaan pelaamaan taas

 Tervehdys rakkaat lukijat! Viimeviikot ja kuukaudet ovat menneet allekirjoittaneella omasta kunnosta ja voinnista huolehtimiseen, matkustamiseen, urheiluvalmennusten tekemiseen, lomailuunkin, reissaamiseen ja yksityiselämään. Olen jättänyt ihan tietoisesti roolipelisuunnittelemiset ja bloggaamiset vähäisempään arvoon ja pitänyt niistä enemmän tai vähemmän taukoa. Pelihommia on tullut suunniteltua taas viimeaikoina kun on ollut jälleen aikaa, intoa ja hyvää seuraa olla ja tehdä pelihommiakin.  Tässä kuussa tulee olemaan ainakin yhdet hautajaiset ja yhdet syntymäpäiväjuhlinnat. Yhdet kamun läksiäisetkin. Pitkästä aikaa tuli oltua Bar & Cafe LateGamessa viimeviikon lauantaina frendini kanssa ja varasimme pelikabinetin porukallemme tämän viikon perjantaille. Pelaamme pitkästä aikaa roolipelejä pelipoppoollamme, juhlistamme yhden meistä synttäreitä ja toisen lähtöä toiseen kaupunkiin. Johan siinä onkin juhlistamista kerrakseen, etenkin kun testaamme ja pelaamme ensikerran myös...