Ooooh Happines, Oooh Joy!

Happy Happy Joy Joy! This is me wearing my killer looks ;-) (pun intended) Today we celebrate modestly my Love Partner's Birthday. We have a quiet corner in the burrow of Bar & Cafe LateGame. It's a game-themed old-school-gaming place. In LateGame You can enjoy tabletop-roleplaying games, card games, board games, and whole lotta other games. You can play console games with eg. Nes, Snes, Ps 1 & 2, Sega Mega-Drive, and other vintage and retro consoles. You can even play flippers in Bar & Cafe Late-Game. And if you're into old-school or new-school computer gaming, you can play there with those, too. Bar & Cafe LateGame is also a very abghiltQ+ friendly place, and the food and the drinks are ranging from very cheap to very moderate priced. So there are many reasons why we have chosen the LateGame as our regular gathering & hangout place. When we play, it's usually on LateGame. It just feels like home for us. This sounds like an encounter, campaign ide...