A blog post request / Toiveblogipostaus

Eng: This post is something that I wrote, because I was requested to write about rolepelaying games in my blog, in english, too. So this blog post is in english and in finnish, too. Fin: Tämä postaus on blogitekstinä sekä englannin että suomen kielinen, sillä tätä on minulta toivottu jo pitemmän aikaa. ENG: A question that pops up in my FB feed cuite often, is "Is there any time travel games, where all the player characters are alternate versions of the same person?", and I'm very happy to offer You all lovely peeps, a answer. Few roleplaying games that comes to my mind, that are suitable for this, are Amber -diceless' rpg, Expendables, Time Lords, Tales from the floating vagapond, Paranoia, Over the Edge, playing both Deadlands and the Hell on Earth (those games have the same world but they are located on a different time phase), or similarly, playing both Werewolf and the Werewolf Wild West... Macho women with guns (plus the supplements), F...